The technology sector has been battered for the past few years. On a national scale, the American technology sector lost 245,600 jobs in 2009, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Losses have hit each segment of the industry, but a closer look at the numbers reveals ...

Guest post by Ashley Lipman Good news: the healthcare industry is expected to grow almost 20% by 2024. That makes health care one of the fastest growing industries in the country, and it’s a great way to make a living while helping others. As the population continues to age ...

If you’re a job seeker, this is not the time to adopt a retreat or wait-it-out attitude despite the outward signs. Yes, the current Covid-19 pandemic has extracted an enormous toll on the national and global economy and the ranks of the newly unemployed are swelling by the millions ...
Bringing Far-Sighted Vision with CreativityThe Covid-19 shutdown is a departure from the kind of crises the business world has faced in the past. Much of what’s happening now is unique to our time and place, and unique in easily identifiable ways. The very idea of running a business with ...

It’s now going on six months since offices around the country were suddenly depopulated, and the end is not exactly in sight even now.And, of course, you don’t need to dress for the office when the office is closed and the only meetings you’re attending happen ...

Vaccines are having a major impact as economies reopen. For all of us, especially for someone in my position as a career coach, it’s worth looking at what the world of work will look like as we move ahead. Whether you’re a job seeker, an employee, or an ...

It has never been easier to start a fight. Whether it’s masks or vaccines or school openings or elections or climate change or a hundred other hot-button topics, people everywhere are ready to disagree about almost anything.But I’m here to save the day, to come to the ...

What Does it Mean for You?When the pandemic started, there was a general sense that major changes would be short-lived. Schools might have to close for a month or two. Masks might be necessary for a little while, and we’d have to keep our social distance and restrain ...

How is Your Career Journey Changing?When it comes to economic recoveries, one of these things is not like the others. And the recovery that’s happening right now is different from what’s come before, with some of those differences involving some unsettling changes to the job market.It ...

If you’d had a reasonably accurate crystal ball at the start of the Covid pandemic, you might have been able to foresee some things: - that people would end up wearing masks in a variety of situations, - that some businesses would be hard hit because they relied on close personal ...

In the middle of the Covid pandemic, there was a demographic turning point that snuck in under the radar and got little notice, but it’s a change that comes with far-reaching consequences for careers and for the job market.Here’s what happened: For the first time, the number ...

In March of 2020, the Covid pandemic was just starting to pick up steam. It wasn’t clear then how bad it might get, but it’s fair to say that most people, experts included, would have predicted that we’d be back at the office and back to something ...

Has Covid changed things in the job market?Yes, that market has changed, and on its face, that’s a question that barely needs to be asked. It’s beyond obvious that the job market is different than it was before the pandemic, but I have a slightly different take ...

What does the “Great Resignation” mean to employees, the people who have remained in their jobs but who may be thinking of greener pastures?More and more employees are in that position, as the Great Resignation shows no sign of abating. In September, 4.4 million people quit, setting a ...

On June 8, Microsoft announced four HR initiatives, including a “commitment to publicly disclose salary ranges in all of our internal and external job postings across the U.S.” This adds to an existing commitment to stop asking job applicants about their salary history. This is good news, not only ...

Quitting is in the news this year. All kinds of quitting. First there was quiet quitting. This refers to people who don’t actually quit per se, but who are working strictly to the terms of whatever deal they agreed to. They do their jobs, but they don’t go ...

Elon Musk buys Twitter, immediately imposes massive layoffs, tells those employees who remain that they’d better adopt hard-core, I live for my work habits, and mires the service in next-level controversy as soon as he walks in the door.Meanwhile, Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg tells his staff en masse ...

With “Sustainability Analyst” appearing at number 13 on LinkedIn’s list of today’s fastest growing jobs, the weather is more than a topic of polite conversation for job seekers.LinkedIn defines the role as researching and tracking “an organization’s environmental impact to develop strategies, practices, and programs that ...

Creating a Sustainable Career PathAs a career coach, I’ve seen a trend. More new grads are coming to me for advice on finding green jobs. It’s not just new grads. Many seasoned professionals are also exploring transitions to greener jobs.I’m delighted to help anyone excited about ...