Outplacement Services

Shimmering Careers outplacement services help your off-boarding employees find new jobs faster and reduce downsizing costs for your company.

Personalized Outplacement Plans

Unlike many big outplacement firms that just assemble employees in a room, tell them how to do a job search and send them out on their own, Shimmering Careers works with each employee one-on-one. We get to know their work histories, and their wants, needs and goals. Then we create a tailored job search plan for each employee that can include any or all of the following services, based on your needs and budget.

Outplacement Services

Resume, Cover Letter, and Thank You Letter

Writing a resume and cover letter is one of the most daunting tasks a transitioning employee can face. We relieve the pressure, and help them find employment faster, by providing a personalized job search packet that includes:

  • A customized cover letter that spotlights key strengths and makes a great first impression
  • A unique, professionally written resume that highlights the employee’s accomplishments and qualifications
  • A strategic follow-up letter that thanks potential employers and reminds them of the applicant’s strengths

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Custom LinkedIn Profile and Networking Tips

Employers are increasingly using LinkedIn to find new talent. We help transitioning employees leverage their existing connections and unearth new ones by:

  • Writing or rewriting their LinkedIn profile so it stands out from the crowd and grabs the attention of recruiters and potential employers
  • Revealing insider tactics and secrets for getting the most from LinkedIn networking

Interview Coaching

We will help your transitioning employees get right back to work in a great job by providing:

  • One-on-one coaching on how to make the right impression in any interview
  • An interview preparation report with valuable interview tips
  • A customized interview Q&A that reveals how to reply to tough questions with answers that dramatically boost the chances of being hired
  • Advice and negotiation strategies for getting the best possible salary

Job Search Campaign

We support each off-boarding employee with 2 full months of job transition coaching. We get to know each job seeker’s preferences, then search the job boards for potential matches to select the best, targeted leads for each person. We even provide valuable job-related links and articles to further aid in the job search.

The result? Off-boarding employees find better jobs, faster.

Plans are available on a per employee basis. Shimmering Careers will develop a plan to meet your needs. Click here to contact us.

The Shimmering Careers Difference

Our Guarantee

“We work with every employee until they are completely satisfied with their resumes.”
– Paul Freiberger

Many outplacement services use students or offshore help to write resumes, cover letters and other job search materials, so you never really know who’s doing the work or how skilled they are.

When you choose Shimmering Careers, you’re partnering with career authority Paul Freiberger and his team of outplacement experts who have over 35 years of experience. We’ve worked with some of the top companies worldwide and have helped everyone from janitors to CEOs find employment. We’re seasoned professionals, and we get results.

Contact Paul Freiberger Now

Why You Should Choose Shimmering Careers

Offering your transitioning employees our outplacement services is the smart choice for your business because:

It lowers your costs.

Shimmering Careers can help reduce unemployment insurance taxes, severance, COBRA payments and other costs by helping your off-boarding employees find new jobs faster than they would on their own.

It reduces the risk of litigation.

When transitioning employees are provided outplacement support, they are 72% less likely to bring lawsuits against their employer, according to a study by the Center for Organizational Research.

It protects your brand.

Your off-boarding employees may end up working for your customers, partners or competition. You may even want to rehire them in the future. By helping you maintain positive relationships with former employees, professional outplacement services protect your company’s good image.

It improves morale and productivity.

Offering outplacement services shows remaining employees that if worse comes to worst, you’ll be looking out for them. This lessens their anxiety and helps improve morale during uncertain times. And when morale improves, so does productivity.

It lessens the impact on managers.

The stress of implementing layoffs can impact the effectiveness of managers in their day-to-day roles and adversely affect staff relationships in the future. Providing outplacement services helps lessen the burden on managers.

It’s the right thing to do.

Departing employees have contributed time and energy to your company. Offering outplacement services is one way to acknowledge their contributions. It can also make you feel a little better about having to make a tough, but unavoidable, decision. Shimmering Careers’ outplacement plans let you do the right thing, without sinking your budget.

For more details on how we can tailor an outplacement package to suit your needs, contact Paul now.

Contact Paul Freiberger Now