I recently shared a bevy of tips about making your resume remote-friendly by adapting it to a new world of fully remote or hybrid workplaces. Those workplace arrangements were once the exception; now they’re more or less the rule.Of course, your resume is not the end of the ...

In today’s Covid-preoccupied working environment, offices are still very much on the remote bandwagon. The old days, “good” old days or not, have been slow to return, and there’s a great deal of skepticism that they ever truly will.That skepticism is partly driven by the fact that ...

In March of 2020, the Covid pandemic was just starting to pick up steam. It wasn’t clear then how bad it might get, but it’s fair to say that most people, experts included, would have predicted that we’d be back at the office and back to something ...

In the middle of the Covid pandemic, there was a demographic turning point that snuck in under the radar and got little notice, but it’s a change that comes with far-reaching consequences for careers and for the job market.Here’s what happened: For the first time, the number ...

If you’d had a reasonably accurate crystal ball at the start of the Covid pandemic, you might have been able to foresee some things: - that people would end up wearing masks in a variety of situations, - that some businesses would be hard hit because they relied on close personal ...

How is Your Career Journey Changing?When it comes to economic recoveries, one of these things is not like the others. And the recovery that’s happening right now is different from what’s come before, with some of those differences involving some unsettling changes to the job market.It ...

What Does it Mean for You?When the pandemic started, there was a general sense that major changes would be short-lived. Schools might have to close for a month or two. Masks might be necessary for a little while, and we’d have to keep our social distance and restrain ...

It has never been easier to start a fight. Whether it’s masks or vaccines or school openings or elections or climate change or a hundred other hot-button topics, people everywhere are ready to disagree about almost anything.But I’m here to save the day, to come to the ...

Vaccines are having a major impact as economies reopen. For all of us, especially for someone in my position as a career coach, it’s worth looking at what the world of work will look like as we move ahead. Whether you’re a job seeker, an employee, or an ...

A client turned down an offer a few years ago at one of Silicon Valley’s favorite employers, only to get recruited and accept a better position at that same company recently. Saying “no” the right way prevented her from burning bridges and led to a great opportunity.If you ...